Polishing Kit - Stone Coat Countertops

Polishing Kit - Stone Coat Countertops


In this kit you get 453.59 gram (16 ounces) of our Polishing Compound and 453.59 gram (16 ounces) of our Liquid Smooth Cleaner.  The Compound is what we use to remove small surface scratches as well as the final step in the sanding and polishing process.  The Liquid Smooth cleaner is simply a great cleaner and it makes the surface feel very smooth and smells great, Liquid Smooth is always the finishing touch on our projects.  The Polishing compound can be used as often as you wish to spruce up your finish. For heavy scratches you can use our sanding kit first then the polishing compound as a final step.

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Follow this link for Step-by-Step Project Recipes: https://www.stonecoatcountertops.com/tips-and-tricks

Free video training: https://www.stonecoatcountertops.com/free-training-how-to-videos

Watch two information and instruction videos on this kit below

In this video we show exactly how we sand and polish Stone Coat Countertops. Step by Step How-To get a blemish free epoxy finish.

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